
Showing posts from January, 2019

Reflection and Awareness

During the two weeks of winter break, I did follow my new showering schedule of 5 minutes per shower. Am I proud of myself? OFC I AM! I showered on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. So every other day except for Monday and Sunday since they are right next to each other. But not only did I follow my showering schedule, but I also am now accustomed to showering for only 5 minutes.  How was I able to get used to this so easily? Maybe it's because I have a strong willpower? Maybe it's because it's a project and that I'm supposed (forced) to do it? Maybe it's because I want to save water for the future generations? The answer here is willpower. I'm the type of person that will set a goal and accomplish that goal. How am I able to do this and have such strong will power? It's because in the last 17 years of my life, I have made many attempts at making goal for myself and failing at accomplishing them. So now I know the kind of r