Week 2 for me but week 3 for you guys: Mid-Point Reflection

This second week has been great. I showered exactly for 10 minutes, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Was it hard or has there been time where I just don't care and decided to give up?

No. To be honest, it was pretty easy to shower for 10 minutes.


It's because I used to do my thinking in the shower, now I do my thinking outside of shower.

You might be confuse on what I just said but it's fine, me too.

But if the project ended today, I would most likely continued to do this project because taking shorter show is not that bad.  (or maybe I will turn into taking bath :)))) and plus by taking shorter shower, I'm saving the earth by limiting the amount of fresh water use.

This habit of taking shorter that I'm trying to develop is actually pretty easy to maintain. But how long does it really take before I'm comfortable doing it on a regular basis?

According to How Long it Really Takes to Build a New Habit, on average, it takes a person an average of 66 days or 2 months to develop a habit. But that time will be less or more depend on the person and the habit they're trying to do.

So for me and my habit, I think I will be one of the 66 days people or less. Why? It's because I'm kind of comfortable doing it now and I honestly do not think it will take that long for me to be comfortable taking shorter showers.

But this article make me want to keep on doing this habit because it in a way want me to prove to myself that I that I can make a habit and maintain.

Some from this article that people really need to read and learn is that it is absolutely alright and normal for people to mess up and not do what they were planning on doing to change their habits. Because realistically speaking, a person cannot just change their habit at a snap of a finger.

And for the people that are trying save the Earth by change their habits. Maybe this article will motivate you. It's an article about the U.S's land use. According to Here’s How America Uses Its Land, the U.S spend more than 1/3 of its land on pasture for cows and other animals. And we know from reading the cow produce lots of methane and other gases. So if you doing something like eating less beef or just cut out beef from your live. Consider the benefits of the space we would save and how much space will there be available if cows are no longer our number food source.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post! I have really never looked into the research that people can adapt to new behaviors within 66 days or under. I mainly use my left hand to do most stuff but I once tried writing with my right hand but I did not adopt that skill until 5 or 6 months later, so I never really thought that somebody can adapt to new behaviors within 66 days or less.

  2. I am also doing a shower time related project and agree with what you said about it not being that hard to cut daily shower times down.

  3. It sounds too good and it makes mine look like trash but it all sounds good


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